Newhaven Rainwater Capture Project

Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 21st February 2024


The terms and conditions provided on this page, and any pages it links to, explain the terms that householders agree to by enrolling in this scheme.

Who is offering this scheme?

Our Rainwater is delivering this downpipe disconnection project in collaboration with Lewes District Council.

What will I receive?

Eligible householders are being offered a free rainwater capture tank that is plumbed between the downpipes draining from the roof and the drainage network. There is a selection of two different products on offer to best fit the preferences and requirements of the householder. Where the preferred product is not available the householder will be offered an alternative.

The tank, fittings, and installation is being offered for free to eligible householders. There is no charge to householders for any aspect of this scheme.

There are exactly 25 tanks being made available under this scheme. These will be allocated to eligible householders on a first-come first-served basis. Enrolment in this scheme does not guarantee that a product or installation is available to you, or that your property is eligible for an installation.

All rainwater capture tanks fitted will have a monitor installed that tracks how much water they're storing. We ask that householders do not tamper with these monitors, as they're helping us to learn how to help mitigate surface water and sewer flooding.

Who will contact me to support the installation?

Our Rainwater is the sole point of contact for this scheme, and all communications regarding the scheme will come from Our Rainwater's staff. If you have any questions regarding the scheme please get in touch with them for assistance.

What happens after the installation?

Your rainplanter(s) will intercept rainwater from your roof before it enters the sewer networks, and will store it for a sunny day, so we would like it if you could keep the rainplanter in place for as long as possible.

24 months after the installation of your rainwater capture tank, Our Rainwater  will contact you to arrange recovery of the monitoring device built into it. This will have no impact on the performance or look of your device, and will give us vital insight into the performance of our scheme.

From time to time Our Rainwater may contact householders to inform them of new schemes in their area, or to invite householders to share further details about their engagement in the scheme.

Our Rainwater may request access to the installations on the householders' property in order to check that they are working as effectively as possible. This is very useful as it helps us to improve this scheme and develop future schemes, so we'd be very grateful if householders allowed this.

What about warranties and liability?

There is no warranty for the materials provided or work undertaken as part of this scheme, and the ongoing maintenance of the tank and fittings is the responsibility of the householder.

Your tank and fittings will be installed by insured and qualified Our Rainwater staff. They will ensure that the work that they conduct is safe and sound. Should you have any concerns about any work undertaken by our staff please do get in touch.

Contact information

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about this scheme, please get in touch with Our Rainwater

Connect with us

Our Rainwater Ltd,
128 City Road,

Our Rainwater © 2024