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Rainwater Management - an untapped resource

Published on 19 May 2023

Our Rainwater's co-founders, Pete and Sarah, recently delivered a keynote speech at the Rainwater Management - An Untapped Resource Conference, emphasizing collaboration, awareness, and holistic approaches in addressing rainwater management challenges. The event united experts, policy makers, and industry professionals to explore innovative solutions and advance sustainable practices in rainwater management.

  • rainwater management
  • Malta
  • Malta Water Services Corporation
  • stormwater management
  • sustainability
  • water conservation
Pete and Sarah co-founders of Our Rainwater presenting at a conference

The conference was organised by the Water Services Corporation and was their first conference on rainwater management. The conference emphasized the importance of collaboration, raising awareness, and adopting a holistic approach to tackle the challenges of rainwater management. The event also brought together a diverse range of experts, policy makers, and industry professionals, fostering inspiring discussions on innovative solutions and the promotion of sustainable practices in this vital domain.

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