We’re delighted this fantastic project was recognised by the 2024 Susdrains SuDS Awards as winner of the Regeneration and Retrofit category! Part funded by Thames Water and Ofwat’s Water Breakthrough Challenge, this incredible project was made possible in collaboration with the following project partners:
Thames Water, Groundwork, London Borough of Waltham Forest, London Borough of Lambeth, Farming Wildlife Advisory Group, Indepen and ISLE.
The Susdrains SuDs Award celebrates outstanding sustainable drainage system (SuDS) initiatives, highlighting SuDS Champions throughout the UK. It was incredible to see so many fantastic entrants across all categories this year.
SuDS are increasing in popularity and importance throughout UK landscapes and urbanised areas. They not only manage surface run off but improve spaces benefiting communities and the environment.
This project spanned 3 differing communities, including:
Ultimately, residents were provided with free rainplanters, helping slow the flow of rainwater into drainage systems. This seeks to help reduce the impact of surface water flooding and sewer spills whilst raising awareness for challenges relating to our water resources.
A Community Based Approach
Taking a “community centric” approach means working with communities and understanding the specific challenges they face.
We want households to be fully engaged and informed, as they are an essential part of the creating a more sustainable future for our resources whilst improving resilience to climate change.
This project focused on both rural and urban areas that suffer with surface water flooding and periods of drought, which was addressed by Thames Water’s planter unique design!
The project empowered householders to take control of rainwater in their area - this is what we strive for!
This simple solution involved disconnecting downpipes and connecting Thame Water’s specially designed rainwater planter slows the flow of rainwater. The unique design included two compartments with over 200 litres capacity for passive drainage whilst retaining storage for reuse.
This is a form of rainwater management and is essential for creating a more sustainable future for our water resources.
Imagine the impact if we all captured rainwater rainwater from our rooftops.
Individually, this would make little impact.
But together, through collective action, small efforts will help create a positive impact. Which highlights why it is essential we take a “community centric approach”!
This project created many benefits including:
Our Rainwater engaged with residents in all three communities by combining in person and online activities. We set up a successful community day to inform residents and create a buzz about the project and its benefits.
Social media played a crucial role, informing householders about the project and seamlessly directing them to our sign-up page. In just a few minutes, householders upload their details and information about their downpipes enabling our team to assess suitability. Once approved, installations can be booked using our streamlined platform.
Our Rainwater Ltd,
The Innovation Centre
Rennes Drive,
Our Rainwater © 2025