Empowering rainwater management in communities

Sign up to discover if your community is part of a free rainwater capture scheme

Be the change, harness the rain, empower the future!

Men working on the street

Working together to create change

Our aim is to transform the future of rainwater management to help reduce surface water flooding and sewer spills into the environment. We connect organisations such as water companies and local authorities with communities who are passionate about change.

Flower planter

A free, more sustainable source of water

Our climate is changing and our water supplies are under increasing pressure. Through downpipe disconnection schemes we help communities to capture and preserve our most precious resource – our rainwater! 

Person holding bubble

Streamlining rainwater management

Our end-to-end service empowers rainwater management that works for communities. From sparking initial engagement, to managing sign-ups, and delivering installation, we streamline the process for the organisations, installers, and communities that we work with.

Here's What Householders Have To Say...

We've worked on projects throughout the country, successfully engaging residents with rainwater and water resources for positive, long-term impact. Find out what they had to say about the initiative, taking part and working with us:

Installer stood next to water butt

"Great idea I just wish it was made mandatory for everyone to have a water butt fitted."

"It gives me motivation to help my community and using water in my garden"

"I use it all year round for watering the garden and cleaning the windows and car (occasionally I connect my pressure washer to it to clean the drive). "

"I think it is really important for the community"

Eastbourne Case Study

rainplanter attached to downpipe with orange flowers in the top

"Great scheme, great product. Why would anyone not sign up?"

"Straight forward and easy to get involved . Huge benefit for us and our community"

"The whole process was really easy, the customer service was great and really pleased with the end result."

"Such a great idea, especially with all the flooding that has happened recently"

Newhaven Case Study

Collage of installers putting in rainwater planters and watering the flowers

"The process went smoothly and it didn't take much time to arrange the installation and get it completed."

"It's good that organisations are being proactive and trying to prevent problems."

"Great product, good experience and very happy with water butt"

Lambeth Case Study

the top of a rainwater planter focusing on the flowers

"Brilliant. Super efficient and I am delighted with my water butt."

"They were able to install when I was at work."

"It was great. Efficient and friendly and informative"

"Great idea and service"

Cirencester Case Study

the top of a rainwater planter focusing on the flowers

"It was a no brainer to sign up"

"It’s a great initiative, looks good and it was free!"

"Very easy to sign up. Just filled in a form online"

"Good, efficient, installed quickly"

Waltham Forest Case Study

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Find out if you are eligible for a free rainwater management system...

Connect with us

Our Rainwater Ltd,
The Innovation Centre
Rennes Drive,

[email protected]

Our Rainwater © 2025